We all recognize that we need to change. Indeed, the Christian life is a life of change. But yet what needs to change, how we change, and how God is working in our lives to bring about that change all gets a bit lost on us. In How People Change, you will be pointed back to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it is that God changes us. We struggle to change because we forget the gospel and seek to find help in counterfeit Gods. The mess of life — sin and suffering — can be disorienting for us, and we wonder what God is doing and where he is taking us. In order for us to understand how we change, we must understand God’s larger purposes for our lives, and then we must avail ourselves of the means he has provided to bring about that change. Building on an image in Jeremiah 17:5-10, Lane and Tripp help us diagnose the root causes of sinful (thorny) responses to the heat (circumstances) of life and how we grow to respond in ways that bear fruit (love) instead of thorns.
This book will be helpful if you read it on your own, but it will be even more helpful if you find someone else to go through it with. Use this as an opportunity to form a discipleship relationship with someone you know and trust, and who may be a little further down the road in their walk with the Lord. The two (or three) of you find time to meet regularly and discuss the book together.