The Psalmist says, “When the cares (disquieting thoughts – anxieties) of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” Anxiety is for many people, an ever present part of life, so much so that we just refer to ourselves as “an anxious person,” or “an anxious mess.” For many people, anxiety becomes a part of their identity. Yet, throughout the scriptures we read commands not to be anxious (Matt. 6:25-31;Phil. 4:6). So, how does the Lord console an anxious soul? This is where The End of Anxiety will be of great help to those dealing with anxiety.

Written with a warm pastoral tone and filled with practical steps to help those who are caught in the seemingly endless cycle of anxious thoughts, The End of Anxiety will help you discern what purposes God has even in your anxiety. Though our prayer in the midst of anxiety, and panic attacks is for these feelings to simply go away, when we understand God’s larger purposes, even in and through our anxiety, we can best glorify the Lord and know more fully his consolations to cheer our souls.

Each chapter begins with passages of scripture to mediate on and the core principle that summarizes the chapter. The chapters conclude with helpful actions to take. Oftentimes those trapped in cycles of anxious thoughts and feelings need concrete steps to take to help break the cycle. We recommend this for those who are dealing with anxiety in their own lives, or if you are helping someone caught in a cycle of anxiety. 

Why we observe Advent? The church is for the weary and heavy ladened.