AWANA begins Sunday, September 8th. Register Here

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What to Expect


We are an intergenerational church on Colorado’s Western Slope. At Calvary you will find people of all ages and from all walks of life. We believe healthy churches reflect the New Testament’s pattern; people of every age, in every stage of life and from every race, gathered together to fellowship with one another because of the unity we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Sunday Gathering

At Calvary, our services run about 90 minutes. During that time we sing, read the Word, pray, give, hear the Word preached and partake of the Lord’s Supper.


At Calvary, our music is a mix of hymns that have been sung for hundreds of years in the church at large, as well as modern hymns, songs that have been written even this year. Our aim in our corporate singing is not sing from one time period, one genre, or one artist. We want to sing songs that are sound in their theology, musically accessible for the congregation, current and enduring stylistically, and songs that marry the truth they convey well with their tune.

At Calvary, our music is led by a group of musicians who seek to use their skills to help lead the congregation. Most weeks we will have a full band, other weeks it may be just a guitar or a guitar and a piano leading together. The goal for our church musicians is that they might lead in a way that equips and serves the congregational voice. You can listen to some of the songs we sing here.


Liturgy is the order of the service. Liturgy simply means the work of the people. All churches have liturgies and communicate something through the order and structure of their services. At Calvary, we seek to be very intentional about the order of our service. On any given Lord’s Day, our services will follow this same basic pattern.

  • Call to worship
  • Scripture Reading
  • Pastoral Prayer
  • Adoration
  • Reading of the Law
  • Confession
  • Assurance of pardon
  • Sermon 
  • The Lord’s Supper
  • Benediction

You can read more about each of these elements of our liturgy here


As a people that place a high value on the Word of God, one of the central things we do when we gather together weekly is to study God’s Word together. The public proclamation of the Word of God, or preaching, is the way that we do that weekly. We preach expositorily, meaning, we seek to walk through entire books of the Bible and explain each of the passages so that we understand what they mean. We then seek to make practical application from the truth the scripture conveys.

Our preaching seeks to be gospel-centered. By this, in our preaching, and in our entire worship service, we are reminding people of the good news, the gospel. The good news is that we, sinners who stand condemned before God, can be made right before God through faith in Jesus Christ. This is a message that not only changes ones eternal destiny at the moment of faith, but is also the reality that we live in. Because the gospel is to be central to the Christian’s life, we want to take people back to that central theme over and over again.