Our History
Calvary Bible Church began as the “Grand Junction Bible Class” by Pastor Cliff Gustafson in March 1946. Originally the class met in homes until attendance necessitated moving to Fruitvale School. On January 20, 1948, the name Calvary Bible Church was adopted and formally inaugurated as a local church. The regular Sunday evening services began at Fruitvale School on May 28, 1948. The Lord led the congregation to purchase the property at 888 Glenwood Avenue, Grand Junction. Shortly after, the US War Assets Department allocated an Army chapel building from Peterson Field, Colorado Springs. The building was dismantled and set up over a 40’x80’ basement. This building became the main center for meeting and worship until October 1988.

October 31, 1988 became a very significant day for Calvary Bible Church. The main auditorium of the building was completely destroyed by a fire. The church building was in the process of being rewired when an electrical short in the old wiring caused the insulation to burn. On March 29, 1989 Calvary Bible Church purchased seven acres at 629 27 ½ Road. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on August 6, 1989 and a dedication service was held on March 20, 1994. God used the fire, which seemed like a tragedy, to pave the way for the future of Calvary Bible Church enabling the church to have a practical and updated building to be the new center of ministry in Grand Junction.

Throughout the years Calvary Bible Church has remained faithful to the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word. Many faithful and godly people have contributed to the Lord’s work both here in Grand Junction and around the world. Calvary Bible Church has been blessed with a series of faithful pastors who both believed and preached the whole counsel of God. In November 2011, Pastor Jess Miller became the church’s 6th Senior Pastor.