
The Calvary Cast

This podcast allows us to have conversations and discussions around topics we may not be always able to address from the pulpit or through other formal teaching times. Subscribe through your preferred podcast app, or listen below.

Episode 133: Principles for Parenting The Calvary Cast

On this episode, Jess and Graham banter about how old Jess is getting, how the podcast may help some people go to sleep, and how the podcast is like a fine well aged wine. All of this before getting to the topic of the day; parenting. What are key principles that Christian parents need to keep in mind as they raise their children? Raising children is a big responsibility, and the Bible gives clear guidance as to what some of our responsibilities are as parents. Christian parents therefore need to give serious consideration to how they're parenting and why they parent the way they do, and make sure that it is in accordance with Biblical principles.
  1. Episode 133: Principles for Parenting
  2. Episode 132: What is marriage for? Five guiding principles
  3. Episode 131: Are Roman Catholics Christians?
  4. Episode 130: Can you explain the gospel?
  5. Episode 129: The most important doctrine you don't think about enough
  6. Episode 128: Mistakes we make with grieving people
  7. Episode 127: The Singing Essentials
  8. Episode 126: Should Christians Attend Same-Sex Weddings?
  9. Episode 125: The Pregnancy Center, an interview with Jaime Gallob
  10. Episode 124: Why Christians do not need to observe Old Testament feasts, laws and customs