When people begin to see the doctrine of election, a common question that is raised is, “If God has chosen everyone who will be saved, then what is the purpose of evangelism?” J.I. Packer’s book, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God will help you see how it is precisely because of the sovereignty of God that we can evangelize and see people come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. 

By unfolding the scriptures, Packer helps us see the place of divine sovereignty and human responsibility. He gives us a proper and biblical definition of evangelism. In the last chapter, he ties it all together; how does the sovereignty of God, motivate evangelism?

Reading through this book will help you come to a biblical understanding of the nature of divine sovereignty and human responsibility, and will give you encouragement for evangelism. Only if God is sovereign over salvation can we ever know that the proclamation of the gospel will be effective.

Book of the Month: Good & Angry Book of the Month: Conscience: What it is, how to train it, and loving those who differ.