Writing succinctly, and with his familiar wit, Kevin DeYoung encourages Christians to consider how much attention we give to personal holiness. Modern evangelicals face the problem many Christians have for centuries; we waffle between legalism and license. This is where DeYoung’s book is so helpful. How is the pursuit of holiness not legalistic, but yet is all of grace? How is holiness something that will happen to us, and yet we must work at it?
With chapters addressing why we should pursue holiness, how the Spirit helps us in our sanctification, and what it means to be united with Christ and commune with him, DeYoung navigates what can be a large and difficult topic, yet does it scripturally and with a pastoral warmth and gentleness. A spiritually healthy church is filled with members who are concerned about their personal holiness. It is for that reason we recommend this book to the people of Calvary Bible Church.