Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity, and is to be an essential part of the Christian community, and yet, forgiveness can be very challenging. Too often, we withhold forgiveness and harbor bitterness, wrath, anger and resentment. We fail to see our sin and go to seek forgiveness. In the church and the culture, forgiveness has come to be understood as simply a state of mind. We often say we have forgiven another person who has offended us, even if that other person has not sought forgiveness or been repentant.

In Unpacking Forgiveness, Pastor Chris Brauns will help us understand forgiveness biblically. What is it? What is my responsibility when I’ve been sinned against? What about when I am the offending party? What about forgiving those who have committed unspeakable things against me or my family? Along with a helpful biblical analysis of forgiveness, he has helpful chapters on issues directly related to forgiveness, like pursuing reconciliation and what to do when that doesn’t go the way we want. 

Because we are all sinned against and sin against others, we all have things to learn and grow in our understanding of forgiveness. As Christians, we have been forgiven the most, therefore we need to be quick to forgive, fight bitterness and pursue peace and reconciliation. 

Book of the Month: The Hole in our Holiness Union and Unity: How our union with Christ necessitates communion with the saints